Mark Cohen: Get Your Kickstarter Funded

Michael Kleinmann, CEO of The Underwear Expert, Inc. and the Curated Underwear Club recently published an article in Forbes Magazine titled, Getting Your Kickstarter Funded: The Four Elements of a Successful Project, where he shared with his audience crucial steps to take when it comes to raising money through crowdsourced fundraising. Obtaining a substantial amount of money for a Kickstarter is not as simple as one may think, but following Mr. Kleinmann’s four essentials, which include: strategy, video production, backer levels, and marketing, are a great way to organize your fundraising to ensure you’re getting the maximum amount of funds as possible.

Here’s a recap of Kleinmann’s four elements and advice for helping your creative project come to life and reach its greatest potential:

First, Kleinmann suggests organizing your thoughts on how to raise money for your project strategically and developing a plan of action. To do this, Kleinmann says, “Before you even think about starting a Kickstarter project, carefully explore and research every facet of the field you plan to work on. Focus groups, surveys and polls are great ways to expand upon personal insight,” (Getting Your Kickstarter Funded, Forbes Magazine). Kleinmann also notes that you should not rely on employees, friends, and family for opinions, so make sure your story is genuine and alluring to your target audience. And when you do find vendors and other individuals who are willing to get involved with your Kickstarter, make sure they sign a confidentiality agreement.

Next, Kleinmann introduces the importance of a Kickstarter video, which he says “…can and will make or break your entire campaign,” (Getting Your Kickstarter Funded, Forbes Magazine). He then adds that you should put a lot of time and energy perfecting every scene of your storyboard so that you can spend your money wisely in terms of creating content for your video. This not only gives you the opportunity to focus on what’s important for your Kickstarter, but your video will most likely turn out amazing, especially if you decide to hire somebody who can produce and direct the video.

The third element, according to Kleinmann, is to focus a lot of attention on backer levels, which should have value to entice potential investors. Kleinmann notes that, “Just because you think something is valuable doesn’t mean others will… so create backing levels that appeal to all types of potential backers,” (Getting Your Kickstarter Funded, Forbes Magazine).

Lastly, and perhaps the most vital element in your campaign, is marketing. How are you going to sell your project? According to Kleinmann, “As with most things in life, how you sell something is just as important as the item you’re selling. Don’t wait until after your campaign launches – you must develop a unique marketing plan to get the word out,” (Getting Your Kickstarter Funded, Forbes Magazine). This is the area in which you need to get creative and use all sources of social media, emails, partnerships, friends, and family to help get the word out about your project.

To read more about Kleinmann’s four elements of a successful project when it comes to Kickstarters, read his article in Forbes Magazine here.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website