Financial Advice for Millennials


Everyone has an opinion, so sifting through the noise to find something genuinely useful can be challenging. Business Insider’s Julia La Roche recently sat down with a Wall Street billionaire and asked his advice. Check out what he had to say.

I asked a Wall Street billionaire for financial advice for someone my age — this is what he said

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

Trending Tactics in eCommerce

eCommerce is the future and the future is now. Many have forgotten what the desolate days before online shopping were. Most successful product businesses run an eCommerce market congruently. Because of heavy market competition, a few digital trends have latched on to the eCommerce industry, influencing how they operate.

More businesses are familiar with SEO
Search Engine Optimization has become a true game changer in how businesses operate their eCommerce departments. In order to survive, businesses need their web properties to rank. And in order to facilitate rankings, companies are hiring and contracting SEO specialists who can optimize their websites for better rankings. Customers are more likely to click on highly ranked, recognizable content. Brands with strong SEO presence and ranking become even more familiar over time, especially in niche markets.

Direct Access
Customers want even more direct access to products. In a way, many customers choose to shop online instead of the store to avoid the middle man. They want instant gratification and single click access. Companies like Amazon have been successful in mitigating the middle man by implement one-click purchasing. The customer selects an item, purchases it in one click, and the item arrives in 2 business days. It’s a fairly seamless process and ideal for most.

Clear Branding
Successful branding is probably the most important component to thriving eCommerce. Companies needs to implement accessible user interface, easy navigation, and strong presence all while maintaining the theme of instant gratification.

Keeping these things in mind, you will have a successful, on trend eCommerce.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

The iPad Pro Will Change the Way We Work


A 12.9-inch display, 5.6 million pixels, an A9x chip with 64-bit desktop-class architecture, and 10 hours of battery life. The iPad pro is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Available November of this year, professionals are already speculating just how power this new tool will be.

After Apple’s annual keynote announcement, one of the company’s biggest unveils yet was the new iPad Pro. Sleek in design, this ultra powerhouse is a true productivity booster. With built in iOS 9 multi-tasking capabilities and two top-of-the-line accessories (the Apple Pencil and new Smart Keyboard), Apple’s senior vice president of marketing, Phil Schiller demonstrated just how useful the new iPad can be. A new Photoshop Fix app and Microsoft Office Suite provides limitless abilities with user friendly interface and high speed responsiveness.

The screen is large enough to type full-length documents and fast enough to run multiple apps. Those on the go are constantly looking for ways to improve portability. Business class travellers can now do the work of a laptop without taking up the extra space. And although Apple is not the first to produce a tablet-notebook hybrid, it may have just bested the competition. The 32GB iPad Pro is set at $799. The Apple Pencil is $99 and the Smart Keyboard is $169.

For more information, check out the keynote presentation below:

from Mark Cohen

Olio’s Model One, A Smartwatch Competitor

Olio WatchIn March of this year, while many anticipated the release of the Apple Watch, discussing it’s stark range in price points and upcoming features, Olio introduced an ultra luxe, premium smartwatch called Model One. From surgical-grade stainless steel to precision forged housing, the high-end Swiss watch completely sold out of its limited edition black and steel models. Buyers barely flinched at the $500+ price tag, purchasing all 1,000 in the matter of weeks. July 30th marked the release of a second batch of the swank jewelry.

Olio has added two more designs to the roster in 24 karat gold and 18 karat rose gold. Undoubtedly taking inspiration from the success of the gold Apple watch, Olio’s founder and CEO, Steve Jacobs, promises that the watches are pure. Leather Model One straps are available in black and alligator brown at $1,195 each. All-gold link styles are $1,395.

Imitating high-end specialty shops, only 500 of the black and steel options will be available. Even more exclusive, only 100 each of the two gold options are for sale. Jacobs sees an advantage to making high quality batches in small increments. Careful consideration is made from the ballasts to the strap, each detail intentional. Some criticize the watch for it’s rather large and hefty style, however, Jacobs suggests that large watches are currently in. The company, although unique, does adhere to customer demands and industry trends. In the future, the Jacobs hopes to incorporate smaller designs for those interested in a lighter wear watch.

First batch of Olio Model One watches

First batch of Olio Model One watches

Perhaps the most unique feature on the watch is its software. Instead of opting for Android Wear, Olio is compatible with both Android and iOS. Its simple UI allows wearers to swipe down to reveal settings and swipe up for controls. Instead of incorporating a large number of applications, Olio’s smartwatch communicates through notifications and open APIs. Notifications are revealed by swiping left and a schedule is shown if one swipes right. The simplicity is definitely favorable for those on the go or disinterested in the complexity of complete applications on such a small surface.

To top everything off, Olio comes equip with a cloud-based personal assistant who will learn your behavior and improve over time. Although the Olio smartwatch may seem unorthodox and expensive in the growing world of smartwatch competition, it is truly a device designed for savvy modern-day professionals with an interest in style.

from Mark Cohen

Understanding the Credit Crisis

Although this video may be a bit dated at this point, the visual explanation of the credit crisis and how it affected/affects everyone is excellent. If you were ever curious or needed to get a better understanding, this video is perfect. Take a few minutes to check it out below:

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

To No Ones Surprise, Gap is Closing 175 Stores

It’s no secret that in recent years Gap, like many mid-tier fashion brands, has been struggling to compete with the rise of ‘throw-away fashion’ companies like H&M. Their price point is high, their look is dated, and the company itself has struggled with constantly changing executive leadership.

Unfortunately, for their employees, this means Gap will be closing one-fourth (175 total) of their 675 stores in North America over the next few years. Additional closures are expected to hit a limited number of European locations, though the exact number has not yet been disclosed.


Manhattan Gap Clothing Store (Photo by Chris Hondros)

Art Peck, Gap’s Chief Executive since February of this year, believes these closures are necessary if the brand is to reposition itself for future success. Though these cuts will trim about $300 million from annual sales with additional costs of approximately $140 million to $160 million from lease buyouts, inventory write-offs, and costs that come with shrinking a headquarters workforce, beginning in 2016, Gap expects these changes to generate annual savings of about $25 million.

The real challenge for Gap won’t be in savings, though: it will be in fixing its product. Muted tones, straight silhouettes, and outdated trends have plagued the company’s line for years. Peck himself has admitted to these issues and alludes to mixing up the assortment, including more vibrant color palettes, the introduction of unique patterns, and designing for a more feminine look and shape. It will be interesting to see Gap mix things up and give us something new. Who knows, they may even win back some of those core customers that have been over at H&M this whole time.

from Mark Cohen

The Crackdown on Traffic

In a recent CNN Money Article, some of the world’s worst rush hour traffic cities were ranked including: Istanbul, Moscow, Mexico City, Chongqing, Rio de Janeiro, Shenzhen, and the infamous Los Angeles. An EscapeHere article cited a few different cities, noting: Milan, Detroit, London, Brussels, San Francisco, and Dallas. And if you’re from New York, you’ve probably struggled a time or two through traffic as well. Considering how different the lists are, it’s safe to say that traffic is a problem worldwide. With the rapid increase of car ownership, more people are electing to drive than there is road space. At least in major cities, public transportation is more accessible.

San Francisco recently announced the Leap bus, a startup company aiming to provide luxury bus service for a slightly higher fee to city commuters. For now, the bus route only covers a direct 25 minute line from the Financial District to the Marina. The bus runs during morning and evening hours equipped with juice service, bar stools, Wi-Fi, USB ports, and tabletops. The back of the bus has a collaborative area while the front remains more reserved for solitary work. Watch the video below for more information.

Even with innovations in public transportation, city traffic remains a problem. No only is it bad for commuters, it’s also bad for the environment, contributing to elevated levels of smog and carbon dioxide emissions. As an alternative, some cities are aiming to band driving personal vehicles all together!

Milan, one of the worlds smoggiest cities, is offering free public transit vouchers as an incentive to leave personal cars at home. Each day someone leaves their car at home, they receive a voucher for the appropriate train or bus ticket in the mail. Madrid has entire “car-free” zones, completely banning vehicles from many streets. In months to come, this zone will expand even further. Paris saw a drastic increase in pollution levels in 2014 after which they banned all vehicles with even number license plates from driving on the streets. They saw a 30% decrease pollution levels, prompting the government to move forward with increased car restrictions.

It is impressive to see cities moving forward on solid initiatives to reduce traffic and carbon emissions. It would be interesting to see an initiative like this passed in the United States. Would a large city like New York accept a ban on motor vehicle road access? Would Los Angeles? The gut instinct is “absolutely not!” But who can tell what the future holds.


from Mark Cohen

5 Ways to Save Money in New York City

New York City can be an expensive place to live. It’s easy to lose track of just how much you’re spending on any given day when you add up MTA fees, eating, drinking, and socializing. At times, it seems even breathing is an expense! Fortunately, there are many tricks you can use to save money here and there without locking yourself indoors for all eternity. The point of living here is to enjoy it! I’ve outlined a few of my go-to hacks below:

  1. Online Deal Packages: Websites like and let you explore the city at a discount. Once you sign up, each site allows you to select your interests (e.g. art, photography, concerts, food, health & fitness) and browse through a number of offers. There are great deals like a wine and food education class for $35, 50% off rock climbing passes, and celebrity meet and greets at the SoHo Apple Store. If you’re into boozy brunch, live music, or nights on the town, Groupon or Pulsd would be a great resource for discounted tickets.
  2. Free Activities: Now that the weather is a bit warmer, free outdoor activities are on the rise. Never underestimate a great day at the park, zoo, or botanical garden. Take a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge or stop by the DUMBO water front for ice cream and a fantastic view of the Manhattan skyline. If you’re feeling lucky, try to score free tickets to a live audience television show taping. The Nightly Show is an easy one to try. Just be sure to line up early!
  3. Markets: Flea Markets and Farmer’s Markets are the place to be. You can easily find fruit and vegetables for a much lower price than the grocery store. Avocados that range from $3 to $4 at the grocery store can be as cheap as a $1 at the market. Flea Markets are great places to find gifts, home decor, and second hand or handmade clothes. Bonus: not only are you saving money,  you’re also supporting local business.
  4. Cooking Meals At Home: Investing in a slow cooker will save you some serious cash. After you’ve bought a copious amount of vegetables from the flea market, throw them in the slow cooker with chicken or beef and prepare your lunch for the week! This will definitely cut down on the number of times you have to buy lunch out. Assuming your diet is a bit better than dollar slice pizza, $10 a day really adds up! Check out some great slow cooker recipes here: All Recipes
  5. Cash Instead of Card: Using cash will work to your benefit in two ways: first, it gives you a visual representation of just how much money you’re spending. If you take $40 out of the bank in the morning and it’s gone by the end of the day, it’ll surely feel worse than spending $40 on your card. Second, since most deli’s and bodegas have card minimums, you can avoid spending more to make the minimum. How many times have you wanted to buy a juice, but the $5 card minimum prompted you to you a bag of chips and pack of gum too? Carrying cash, you’ll only spend that $2 for the juice.

These are just a few tips to help with the expense of living in New York City. Definitely experiment and try new things.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

The Apple Watch & Fashion Design

Mark Cohen Apple Watch Blog

Apple Watch – Watch Edition

If you’re one of the lucky few to have snagged an Apple watch by now, congratulations! These ultra stylish pieces of technology are flying off the shelves faster than bottled water on a hot day in the city. Last week, the Apple store in the Selfridges department store in Oxford, England held a special viewing session where potential buyers could try on a variety of faceplate and band combinations. Band colors ranged from bright neon green and blue sportswear, to classic leather, and luxurious silver and gold. The faceplate itself comes in styles similar to the iphone and ipad with the higher end models adorning 18K yellow and rose gold details. Unfortunately, Apple reserved the watches for online retail only, requiring customers to place their orders through the online Apple Store.

While the astonishing expensive 18K Gold model has received a bit of criticism prior to the watch’s release, the additional price points may provide affordable options for those in the market. The sport model can be purchased for approximately $400, the basic model for about $600, and the luxury “edition” line reaching up to a surprising $17,000. While the average Joe more than likely won’t pick up a $17,000 Apple watch, you have to admit, they’re extremely sleek and look good on the arm.

With wearable technology becoming a trend, fashion designers will be sure to incorporate items like the Apple Watch into upcoming season shows. Now might be a perfect time to update that Swatch watch for something a bit more cutting edge. Definitely looking forward to how this will play out.

from Mark Cohen

Men’s Fashion: Spring 2015

Spring is officially here! Although, with New York City’s stubborn low temperatures, it’s a bit difficult to tell. Regardless of how it currently feels outside, one should always be prepared. Here are two of the most noticeable Men’s 2015 spring fashion trends:

Classic Denim

Gentlemen, the days of layered denim are among us! As we reliving a 90’s nightmare, or is this truly a glimpse into the future? For not we can only speculate; however, regardless of your initial gut reaction, denim is here to stay. With warmer temperatures, cool colored denim is making it’s way out of the shadows. Not only are we talking denim jeans, but the revival of the denim jacket. A number of high end designers such as Prada, Saint Laurent, and Andrea Pompilio presented denim jacket clad models sporting styles ranging from the typical classic fit to the oversized and trench cut.

Recommendation: take full creativity with layering.  Push your denim jacket under larger, heavier coats. Or place your jacket over sweaters, t-shirts, and other shades of denim shirt.

Denim shirts have made a great comeback as well. Designer Tom Ford even suggests that denim has the potential to be the “new” formal fabric. Layered with suede or wool, he seems to make a compelling argument.

Bold Stripes

This season’s fashion show also features bold, statement stripes. Even formal wear saw a stripe overhaul as Gucci, E. Tautz, and J.W. Anderson set the tone for stripe trousers, button ups, and overcoats. The classic nautical red, white, and blue color scheme remains a staple as the warmer months approach. While stripes may be difficult to every man to pull off, the recommendation below can set you on your way:

Recommendation: Pair bold stripes with a solid, complementary jacket or block color bottoms.

These are only two of a number of upcoming spring fashion trends. Rest assured that as the days get warmer, we’ll see plenty of boat shoes and just-above-the-knee shorts.


from Mark Cohen