Industries To Watch

I think that most industry professionals can agree that there have been a great deal of technological advancements over the past decade. From machine learning to automation, technology has evolved to an almost unfathomable level. These advancements have given way to new industries that hold much promise.

Artificial intelligence is at the forefront of these technological advancements. As a society, we demand efficiency and convenience, which ultimately, is what makes investments in artificial intelligence so promising. When considering an alternative industry to invest in, consider this… computer science and machine learning have already infiltrated our everyday lives, whether you’re conscious of this or not. Artificial intelligence, simply put, is intelligence exhibited by machines that is considered a cognitive function of a human being. Facebook’s DeepFace program can recognize 97 percent of the faces it scans. Apple’s virtual personal assistant, Siri, processes an exuberant amount of data to form an answer to your question within seconds. As automation continues to be a focus for industry developers, artificial intelligence remains highly relevant. According to a Bank of America Merrill Lynch report, artificial intelligence analytics research will reach $70 billion by 2020.

Another industry to consider, when looking for new investment markets, is virtual reality. As of late, the video game industry has been the biggest player in the field; however, there are predictions in place for other industries to expand within the sector. Today, companies such as Microsoft, Facebook and Google have already shared their interest in the virtual reality and have seen quite the success with their products. An article for shares insight on the annual investments in the virtual reality industry, which have reached a record breaking $1.1 billion within the first 2 months of 2016. A forecast from predicts that virtual / augmented reality revenue will reach $10 billion by 2020. With such aggressive predictions, one can assume virtual reality is a safe bet.

When looking to invest in emerging markets, it’s important that you do adequate research. Gain insight on the market from industry professionals and consider their predictions. Look at revenue trends and pay close attention to industry news, so that your may formulate an educated prediction and invest wisely. Check back for more blogs on emerging markets!

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

Impact Investments: Financial Return and Social Change

For the last 6 or so million years, human beings (or some form thereof) have walked this earth, advancing technology and quality of life with every step. And, with recent steps–say, the last 300 or so–those same humans have been slowly taking their toll on our home planet. Economic growth in the recent past has naturally bred a similar increase in the burning of fossil fuels. So how do we as a civilization contribute to economic stimulation without contributing to the global downfall of “good?”

Enter impact investing.

John P. Schwan Impact Investing

Impact investments, in simple terms, are investments made into businesses with the intention of returning not only an fiscal profit for the investor, but a social or environmentally progressive profit for mankind. This doesn’t always mean that an investment is made towards the shift away from the reliance on fossil fuels, as in the example above. Impact investments can also include money put into socially charitable causes.

Impact investments have boomed lately, including a forum on the idea of social impact investing at the G8 summit in 2013. Google keyword searches for the term “impact investing” have seen incredible growth in recent years, particularly since 2011. And in the position that the social and political climate of the world is in right now, impact investing is poised to trend even further up.

Often referred to as the nearly synonymous names “socially responsible investing” and “ethical investing,” impact investments have taken the world by storm, particularly among younger audiences. While many young people today may not yet ready to make large financial investments (it usually involves investments of over $1,000), some are seeking to make a positive impact in the very near future.

Millennials, the generation often chastised for its reliance on smartphones and instant gratification, have been shown to be the most socially and environmentally conscious generation yet, according to statistics compiled by the Pew Research Center. Many have chosen to reject the idea of selfishness that has been bestowed upon them, choosing a positive global impact over personal satisfaction.

This spells good news for the future of impact investing. An increase in current funding of socially responsible investments could be an indicator that further growth in the ethically and socially responsible investment sector.

The results of a recent Nielsen survey indicated that 55 percent of respondents worldwide have claimed that they would pay more for a product from a business that is “committed to positive social and environmental impact.” A similar survey, also from Nielsen, indicated that the findings of the Pew Research Center are true–Millennials are indeed the most socially and environmentally-conscious generation. Over half of those who indicated that they check product packaging for socially responsible practices were members of “Gen Y.”

With impact investments steadily on the rise since the coining of the term in 2007, skeptics and supporters alike can turn their attention to the future, where statistics could indicate that ethical investments will undergo an even greater boom.
Here’s to looking towards the future.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

Motivating Millennials

Millennials are a vital component in various corporations. This generation will be spearheading businesses, corporations, governments, and other institutions in the years to come. Now, motivating Millennials may be tricky for those not part of this ever prominent generation. Old corporate structures and practices do not appeal to Millennials, therefore, employers and managers are finding new and innovative ways of keeping the incoming workforce active and inspired in the workplace. Entrepreneur recently highlighted some of the most important ways of keeping workplace culture open and positive, in order to ensure motivation and satisfaction.

Today, more and more individuals are valuing a positive culture within the workplace. Without such culture, it is difficult to keep employees motivated to continue to produce good work. Whether this means creating an open and deliberative environment or promoting collaboration between team members, a constructive workplace is most conducive to great work output.

For starters, management should grant their employees flexibility and trust. For younger employees especially, the flexibility to use their creative abilities is important. Creative freedom allows individuals to develop their own routines and pathways to success. Micromanaging, on the other hand, pushes employees away. Understand that newer generations do not like to be micromanaged, and doing this will only push them away from your organization. Remember allow flexibility to site creative freedom.

Because of this flexibility, you still need to evaluate your employees’ work. Providing constructive feedback is important to evaluate how your team is doing. Millennials and younger generations especially respond favorably to constructive feedback because it acknowledges accountability. By discussing goals and manners in which they can improve you inevitably empower them. Guidance and respect in your feedback shows trust, allowing you to build relationships that are valued by your employees.

No longer can successful workplaces be filled with inauthentic or destructive relationships. Motivation AT work stems from a desire TO work. As you build relationships with your employees, you create a sense of loyalty between yourself and them. Even more important is the loyalty they begin to feel for the brand, work, and organization they are part of.

Most importantly, though, make the workplace fun from time to time. Major companies like Google, Facebook, Lyft, and focus on creating cultures conducive to fun. The fact that many of these companies have high retention and low turnover rates really emphasizes this point.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

The Relevance of Alternative Data

Alternative data is becoming an increasingly popular factor in investments. Investors are partially relying on unstructured data to make a more educated business investment. Over the past several years, alternative data has become more attainable through mobile devices and is reflected in investor success.

Investors are now using data from everythingdata from social media apps to government filings in order to gauge a company’s performance prior to revenue reports. Perhaps the most interesting of such data being used is from RS Metrics. Investors have partnered with RS Metrics to obtain satellite images of JCPenny’s parking lots across the country. With these images, investors were able to see an increase in traffic between April and May, thus gaining an advantage on real-time company performance which was then used to trade JCPenny shares.

Companies like RS Metrics are in demand now more than ever. Investors are realizing the benefit of alternative data in conjunction with the market. New tech firms are continuously emerging in the market in hopes of making the alternative data they’ve gathered and processed into a profit. If investors are able to obtain data, that projects a quarterly earning prior to a company’s report, then they have an advantage on competition.

Social media platforms are also realizing the relevance of such data, and in turn are making that an additional investment. Companies like Twitter,, and Pinterest are just a few properties that offer statistics from a social standpoint, which too can be beneficial to investors. They’re able to gather information on profile visits and user followers, and whether it’s for a company or a personal account, that gives investors and tech firms analytics to determine popularity in the particular market.

While alternative data is a more frequent practice for firms and investors, it still carries a lot of questions and concerns. As it is a newer concept there are few regulations on using web data for investment purposes. However, this is very much a existing source of information for investors and as technology progresses so too will the usage of alternative data in investments. To read more on alternative data visit Matt Turner’s Business Insider article.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

Financial Advice for Millennials


Everyone has an opinion, so sifting through the noise to find something genuinely useful can be challenging. Business Insider’s Julia La Roche recently sat down with a Wall Street billionaire and asked his advice. Check out what he had to say.

I asked a Wall Street billionaire for financial advice for someone my age — this is what he said

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

Trending Tactics in eCommerce

eCommerce is the future and the future is now. Many have forgotten what the desolate days before online shopping were. Most successful product businesses run an eCommerce market congruently. Because of heavy market competition, a few digital trends have latched on to the eCommerce industry, influencing how they operate.

More businesses are familiar with SEO
Search Engine Optimization has become a true game changer in how businesses operate their eCommerce departments. In order to survive, businesses need their web properties to rank. And in order to facilitate rankings, companies are hiring and contracting SEO specialists who can optimize their websites for better rankings. Customers are more likely to click on highly ranked, recognizable content. Brands with strong SEO presence and ranking become even more familiar over time, especially in niche markets.

Direct Access
Customers want even more direct access to products. In a way, many customers choose to shop online instead of the store to avoid the middle man. They want instant gratification and single click access. Companies like Amazon have been successful in mitigating the middle man by implement one-click purchasing. The customer selects an item, purchases it in one click, and the item arrives in 2 business days. It’s a fairly seamless process and ideal for most.

Clear Branding
Successful branding is probably the most important component to thriving eCommerce. Companies needs to implement accessible user interface, easy navigation, and strong presence all while maintaining the theme of instant gratification.

Keeping these things in mind, you will have a successful, on trend eCommerce.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

Understanding the Credit Crisis

Although this video may be a bit dated at this point, the visual explanation of the credit crisis and how it affected/affects everyone is excellent. If you were ever curious or needed to get a better understanding, this video is perfect. Take a few minutes to check it out below:

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

5 Ways to Save Money in New York City

New York City can be an expensive place to live. It’s easy to lose track of just how much you’re spending on any given day when you add up MTA fees, eating, drinking, and socializing. At times, it seems even breathing is an expense! Fortunately, there are many tricks you can use to save money here and there without locking yourself indoors for all eternity. The point of living here is to enjoy it! I’ve outlined a few of my go-to hacks below:

  1. Online Deal Packages: Websites like and let you explore the city at a discount. Once you sign up, each site allows you to select your interests (e.g. art, photography, concerts, food, health & fitness) and browse through a number of offers. There are great deals like a wine and food education class for $35, 50% off rock climbing passes, and celebrity meet and greets at the SoHo Apple Store. If you’re into boozy brunch, live music, or nights on the town, Groupon or Pulsd would be a great resource for discounted tickets.
  2. Free Activities: Now that the weather is a bit warmer, free outdoor activities are on the rise. Never underestimate a great day at the park, zoo, or botanical garden. Take a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge or stop by the DUMBO water front for ice cream and a fantastic view of the Manhattan skyline. If you’re feeling lucky, try to score free tickets to a live audience television show taping. The Nightly Show is an easy one to try. Just be sure to line up early!
  3. Markets: Flea Markets and Farmer’s Markets are the place to be. You can easily find fruit and vegetables for a much lower price than the grocery store. Avocados that range from $3 to $4 at the grocery store can be as cheap as a $1 at the market. Flea Markets are great places to find gifts, home decor, and second hand or handmade clothes. Bonus: not only are you saving money,  you’re also supporting local business.
  4. Cooking Meals At Home: Investing in a slow cooker will save you some serious cash. After you’ve bought a copious amount of vegetables from the flea market, throw them in the slow cooker with chicken or beef and prepare your lunch for the week! This will definitely cut down on the number of times you have to buy lunch out. Assuming your diet is a bit better than dollar slice pizza, $10 a day really adds up! Check out some great slow cooker recipes here: All Recipes
  5. Cash Instead of Card: Using cash will work to your benefit in two ways: first, it gives you a visual representation of just how much money you’re spending. If you take $40 out of the bank in the morning and it’s gone by the end of the day, it’ll surely feel worse than spending $40 on your card. Second, since most deli’s and bodegas have card minimums, you can avoid spending more to make the minimum. How many times have you wanted to buy a juice, but the $5 card minimum prompted you to you a bag of chips and pack of gum too? Carrying cash, you’ll only spend that $2 for the juice.

These are just a few tips to help with the expense of living in New York City. Definitely experiment and try new things.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

The Future is Here: Cash Apps

Using Apple Pay with touch ID scanner.

Using Apple Pay with touch ID scanner.

Not too long ago, Apple unveiled its highly anticipated Apple Pay, a one-tap way to make payments from an iphone at participating stores. Skeptical as many are, this confirms that the future of finance is here – virtual payment. Google Wallet, launched in 2011 was an early adaptor to the “tap and go” payment method, allowing users to simply tap their phones on an NFC machine to make secure payments. Of course Paypal and online banking has existed well before Google Wallet and Apple Pay, however the continuing development of the smartphone has allowed companies like Google and Apple to truly bring this virtual payment process to the tangible world.

Other virtual payment contenders like Venmo, SnapChat, and now even Facebook make it easier for individuals and companies to send and receive money like never before. Venmo in particular has gained immense popularity among millennials who find it more convenient to use the product to split dinner payments or reimburse one another for drinks at the bar. While some products remain relatively untested, it is without a doubt that virtual payment methods are monumental.

Of course whenever a new product containing sensitive information is released, security is an immediate concern. However, companies like Apple and Samsung have already considered this issue and have incorporated fingerprint scanners to access Apple Pay and Samsung Pay respectively. Additionally, whenever a payment via Apple Pay or Samsung Pay is process, the recipient does not receive the user’s credit card information. Services like Venmo, SnapChat, PayPal, and Google Wallet do receive credit or banking information. This can be seen as a red flag for anyone reluctant to hand such information over.

Regardless of initial opinion, the future of virtual payment is certainly exciting. Without a doubt, we are certain to see crucial changes and developments in the next 5 years.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

The Top 5 Tips for Balancing Work and Family Life

There is no one equation for achieving a healthy lifestyle. It is an individual choice how one joins their profession, spouse, kids companions and self into a single existence. The key is to create inventive arrangements as you approach the difficulties of managing the obligations and joys in your life. A percentage of the same skills and techniques you use at work, for example, arranging, sorting out, communicating, and delegating can be utilized successfully on the home-front for accomplishing a fulfilling, satisfying and decently healthy lifestyle both personally and professionally.

1. Create a Support Network

Request help and permit yourself to be helped. Get your youngsters involved -cooperate as a team .Recruit family, neighbors, managers, work partners, and so forth and request their backing. In the middle of work and family, surprises are unavoidable.

2. Relinquish Guilt

Blame is one of the best squanderers of emotional energy. It makes you immobilized in the present in light of the fact that you are failing to move on from the past. Blame can be exceptionally incapacitating. By acquainting rationale to help balance the blame, you can abstain from sabotaging work/family adjust and stay on  the course.

3. Set Limits and Boundaries and Remember They are Necessary for Balancing Work and Family

Limits are a nonexistent line that you draw around yourself. They are about shielding you from other individuals’ activities. Focus on yourself  for what is satisfactory and unsatisfactory conduct from other individuals. Limits characterize how you assume responsibility of your time, space, and emotions.

4. Focus Your Own Standards

Dispose of the idea of being a stickler. Wean yourself off it by making compromises -make sense of where the best places to make the compromises are without hurting yourself, your mate, your kids, your manager, and so forth. Live by your own measures instead of somebody else’s.

5. Make Time for Yourself

Being a decent parent, accomplice and expert means respecting yourself first. Utilize your psyche to make a few insistences for yourself. Discover approaches to unwind, assuage strain and minimize stress. Taking sooner or later off for yourself won’t just profit you, however it will advantage your work and family enormously, also!


from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website