Industries To Watch

I think that most industry professionals can agree that there have been a great deal of technological advancements over the past decade. From machine learning to automation, technology has evolved to an almost unfathomable level. These advancements have given way to new industries that hold much promise.

Artificial intelligence is at the forefront of these technological advancements. As a society, we demand efficiency and convenience, which ultimately, is what makes investments in artificial intelligence so promising. When considering an alternative industry to invest in, consider this… computer science and machine learning have already infiltrated our everyday lives, whether you’re conscious of this or not. Artificial intelligence, simply put, is intelligence exhibited by machines that is considered a cognitive function of a human being. Facebook’s DeepFace program can recognize 97 percent of the faces it scans. Apple’s virtual personal assistant, Siri, processes an exuberant amount of data to form an answer to your question within seconds. As automation continues to be a focus for industry developers, artificial intelligence remains highly relevant. According to a Bank of America Merrill Lynch report, artificial intelligence analytics research will reach $70 billion by 2020.

Another industry to consider, when looking for new investment markets, is virtual reality. As of late, the video game industry has been the biggest player in the field; however, there are predictions in place for other industries to expand within the sector. Today, companies such as Microsoft, Facebook and Google have already shared their interest in the virtual reality and have seen quite the success with their products. An article for shares insight on the annual investments in the virtual reality industry, which have reached a record breaking $1.1 billion within the first 2 months of 2016. A forecast from predicts that virtual / augmented reality revenue will reach $10 billion by 2020. With such aggressive predictions, one can assume virtual reality is a safe bet.

When looking to invest in emerging markets, it’s important that you do adequate research. Gain insight on the market from industry professionals and consider their predictions. Look at revenue trends and pay close attention to industry news, so that your may formulate an educated prediction and invest wisely. Check back for more blogs on emerging markets!

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

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