Motivating Millennials

Millennials are a vital component in various corporations. This generation will be spearheading businesses, corporations, governments, and other institutions in the years to come. Now, motivating Millennials may be tricky for those not part of this ever prominent generation. Old corporate structures and practices do not appeal to Millennials, therefore, employers and managers are finding new and innovative ways of keeping the incoming workforce active and inspired in the workplace. Entrepreneur recently highlighted some of the most important ways of keeping workplace culture open and positive, in order to ensure motivation and satisfaction.

Today, more and more individuals are valuing a positive culture within the workplace. Without such culture, it is difficult to keep employees motivated to continue to produce good work. Whether this means creating an open and deliberative environment or promoting collaboration between team members, a constructive workplace is most conducive to great work output.

For starters, management should grant their employees flexibility and trust. For younger employees especially, the flexibility to use their creative abilities is important. Creative freedom allows individuals to develop their own routines and pathways to success. Micromanaging, on the other hand, pushes employees away. Understand that newer generations do not like to be micromanaged, and doing this will only push them away from your organization. Remember allow flexibility to site creative freedom.

Because of this flexibility, you still need to evaluate your employees’ work. Providing constructive feedback is important to evaluate how your team is doing. Millennials and younger generations especially respond favorably to constructive feedback because it acknowledges accountability. By discussing goals and manners in which they can improve you inevitably empower them. Guidance and respect in your feedback shows trust, allowing you to build relationships that are valued by your employees.

No longer can successful workplaces be filled with inauthentic or destructive relationships. Motivation AT work stems from a desire TO work. As you build relationships with your employees, you create a sense of loyalty between yourself and them. Even more important is the loyalty they begin to feel for the brand, work, and organization they are part of.

Most importantly, though, make the workplace fun from time to time. Major companies like Google, Facebook, Lyft, and focus on creating cultures conducive to fun. The fact that many of these companies have high retention and low turnover rates really emphasizes this point.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website