The Apple Watch & Fashion Design

Mark Cohen Apple Watch Blog

Apple Watch – Watch Edition

If you’re one of the lucky few to have snagged an Apple watch by now, congratulations! These ultra stylish pieces of technology are flying off the shelves faster than bottled water on a hot day in the city. Last week, the Apple store in the Selfridges department store in Oxford, England held a special viewing session where potential buyers could try on a variety of faceplate and band combinations. Band colors ranged from bright neon green and blue sportswear, to classic leather, and luxurious silver and gold. The faceplate itself comes in styles similar to the iphone and ipad with the higher end models adorning 18K yellow and rose gold details. Unfortunately, Apple reserved the watches for online retail only, requiring customers to place their orders through the online Apple Store.

While the astonishing expensive 18K Gold model has received a bit of criticism prior to the watch’s release, the additional price points may provide affordable options for those in the market. The sport model can be purchased for approximately $400, the basic model for about $600, and the luxury “edition” line reaching up to a surprising $17,000. While the average Joe more than likely won’t pick up a $17,000 Apple watch, you have to admit, they’re extremely sleek and look good on the arm.

With wearable technology becoming a trend, fashion designers will be sure to incorporate items like the Apple Watch into upcoming season shows. Now might be a perfect time to update that Swatch watch for something a bit more cutting edge. Definitely looking forward to how this will play out.

from Mark Cohen

Men’s Fashion: Spring 2015

Spring is officially here! Although, with New York City’s stubborn low temperatures, it’s a bit difficult to tell. Regardless of how it currently feels outside, one should always be prepared. Here are two of the most noticeable Men’s 2015 spring fashion trends:

Classic Denim

Gentlemen, the days of layered denim are among us! As we reliving a 90’s nightmare, or is this truly a glimpse into the future? For not we can only speculate; however, regardless of your initial gut reaction, denim is here to stay. With warmer temperatures, cool colored denim is making it’s way out of the shadows. Not only are we talking denim jeans, but the revival of the denim jacket. A number of high end designers such as Prada, Saint Laurent, and Andrea Pompilio presented denim jacket clad models sporting styles ranging from the typical classic fit to the oversized and trench cut.

Recommendation: take full creativity with layering.  Push your denim jacket under larger, heavier coats. Or place your jacket over sweaters, t-shirts, and other shades of denim shirt.

Denim shirts have made a great comeback as well. Designer Tom Ford even suggests that denim has the potential to be the “new” formal fabric. Layered with suede or wool, he seems to make a compelling argument.

Bold Stripes

This season’s fashion show also features bold, statement stripes. Even formal wear saw a stripe overhaul as Gucci, E. Tautz, and J.W. Anderson set the tone for stripe trousers, button ups, and overcoats. The classic nautical red, white, and blue color scheme remains a staple as the warmer months approach. While stripes may be difficult to every man to pull off, the recommendation below can set you on your way:

Recommendation: Pair bold stripes with a solid, complementary jacket or block color bottoms.

These are only two of a number of upcoming spring fashion trends. Rest assured that as the days get warmer, we’ll see plenty of boat shoes and just-above-the-knee shorts.


from Mark Cohen

The Future is Here: Cash Apps

Using Apple Pay with touch ID scanner.

Using Apple Pay with touch ID scanner.

Not too long ago, Apple unveiled its highly anticipated Apple Pay, a one-tap way to make payments from an iphone at participating stores. Skeptical as many are, this confirms that the future of finance is here – virtual payment. Google Wallet, launched in 2011 was an early adaptor to the “tap and go” payment method, allowing users to simply tap their phones on an NFC machine to make secure payments. Of course Paypal and online banking has existed well before Google Wallet and Apple Pay, however the continuing development of the smartphone has allowed companies like Google and Apple to truly bring this virtual payment process to the tangible world.

Other virtual payment contenders like Venmo, SnapChat, and now even Facebook make it easier for individuals and companies to send and receive money like never before. Venmo in particular has gained immense popularity among millennials who find it more convenient to use the product to split dinner payments or reimburse one another for drinks at the bar. While some products remain relatively untested, it is without a doubt that virtual payment methods are monumental.

Of course whenever a new product containing sensitive information is released, security is an immediate concern. However, companies like Apple and Samsung have already considered this issue and have incorporated fingerprint scanners to access Apple Pay and Samsung Pay respectively. Additionally, whenever a payment via Apple Pay or Samsung Pay is process, the recipient does not receive the user’s credit card information. Services like Venmo, SnapChat, PayPal, and Google Wallet do receive credit or banking information. This can be seen as a red flag for anyone reluctant to hand such information over.

Regardless of initial opinion, the future of virtual payment is certainly exciting. Without a doubt, we are certain to see crucial changes and developments in the next 5 years.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

The Top 5 Tips for Balancing Work and Family Life

There is no one equation for achieving a healthy lifestyle. It is an individual choice how one joins their profession, spouse, kids companions and self into a single existence. The key is to create inventive arrangements as you approach the difficulties of managing the obligations and joys in your life. A percentage of the same skills and techniques you use at work, for example, arranging, sorting out, communicating, and delegating can be utilized successfully on the home-front for accomplishing a fulfilling, satisfying and decently healthy lifestyle both personally and professionally.

1. Create a Support Network

Request help and permit yourself to be helped. Get your youngsters involved -cooperate as a team .Recruit family, neighbors, managers, work partners, and so forth and request their backing. In the middle of work and family, surprises are unavoidable.

2. Relinquish Guilt

Blame is one of the best squanderers of emotional energy. It makes you immobilized in the present in light of the fact that you are failing to move on from the past. Blame can be exceptionally incapacitating. By acquainting rationale to help balance the blame, you can abstain from sabotaging work/family adjust and stay on  the course.

3. Set Limits and Boundaries and Remember They are Necessary for Balancing Work and Family

Limits are a nonexistent line that you draw around yourself. They are about shielding you from other individuals’ activities. Focus on yourself  for what is satisfactory and unsatisfactory conduct from other individuals. Limits characterize how you assume responsibility of your time, space, and emotions.

4. Focus Your Own Standards

Dispose of the idea of being a stickler. Wean yourself off it by making compromises -make sense of where the best places to make the compromises are without hurting yourself, your mate, your kids, your manager, and so forth. Live by your own measures instead of somebody else’s.

5. Make Time for Yourself

Being a decent parent, accomplice and expert means respecting yourself first. Utilize your psyche to make a few insistences for yourself. Discover approaches to unwind, assuage strain and minimize stress. Taking sooner or later off for yourself won’t just profit you, however it will advantage your work and family enormously, also!


from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

Transit Worker Rescued Dog on Track and Returned to Family

A small dog’s story could have had a horrible ending, but a transit worker saved the day and it a happy one.

Last week, a NYC transit worker rescued a little dog from the tracks that run underneath the city.

At the exact same time, a family who was missing their pet posted fliers around the city seeking for Byby, a poodle mix.  Byby was last seen the night of Feb. 9.

Fortunately a transit worker noticed the dog was living in a Bronx subway tunnel. Charles Gaston scooped her up despite her clumped fur and dirty appearance.  Afterwards she took her to the vet and groomer, and eventually made an Instagram account for the pup he named Delta.

Delta, turned out to be Byby, and on Tuesday, the family was reunited with their missing pup.


from Mark Cohen’s Lifestyle Website

Top 3 Free Family Attractions in NYC

Sometimes, you know the best things in life are free.  Here are three places that don’t requires cash or credit to enjoy:

1.  The Sony Wonder Technology Lab

The Sony Wonder Technology Lab is a four-story, technology and entertainment museum for kids of all ages. Located in mid-town Manhattan, SWTL helps inspire creativity in an engaging and family-friendly learning environment.

2. Prospect Park

Come enjoy the natural beauty of this work of art.  This park which was created over a 30 year period in the late 1800s, is picturesque.  It features a natural forest, wetlands, and ice rink.

3. NYPL – Stephen A. Schwarzman Building

The Children’s center on 42nd street features a large selection of informational books targeted to children’s educational and curricular needs.  In addition, there is a large collections of picture book stories, easy storybook, and novels for readers up to age twelve.  the library features collections of CDs, books on CD, and DVDs geared for children.  Seven computers offer internet access, as well as, a flat screen TV for gaming.

from Mark Cohen’s Lifestyle Website

Top 10 Places to Bring Your Kids in NYC

Manhattan might be an adult’s paradise, however, there are plenty of places to bring the kiddo-s.  Here are just a few spots you can check out this weekend with the little ones in tow.

10. Children’s Museum of Manhattan

This one’s perfect for the little ones: Many of this museum’s exhibits are perfect  for children ages six and under, including a new Dora the Explorer play area. With five floors of exciting exhibits, there’s plenty of fun for older kids, too, including the interactive “EatSleepPlay” exhibit.  212 W 83rd St between Amsterdam Ave and Broadway (212-721-1223,

9. Central Park

Let’s be honest, every kid, city kids included love to play in parks, and what better park then the big one! Central Park has plenty of kid-friendly attractions,which include an ice-skating rink/amusement park, Swedish Cottage Marionette Theatre,the Egyptian-themed playground, the carousel, and plenty of workshops. What the park’s zoo lacks in giraffes and zebras  it makes up with the colorful birds and frogs in the rain-forest exhibit, the endlessly fascinating penguins and a separate petting zoo (see Tisch Children’s Zoo).. Between Fifth Ave and Central Park West from 59th St to 110th St (212-310-6600,

8. Brooklyn Bridge Park

Brooklyn Bridge Park is very different from Central park. The Pier 6 Playground has wonderfully landscaped play spaces, which include the Water Lab, a stone-strewn area with water underfoot to splash in, and Sand Village, a humongous sandbox with a molecular-looking climbing structure flanked by two long metal slides.WIth clean bathrooms, spots for fishing  a food court,and the newly-opened mutli-purpose sports fields at Pier 5, this park is perfection. From Jay St and John St to Atlantic Ave and Furman St, Brooklyn (718-222-9939,

7. Brooklyn Public Library, Central Branch

One of the most exciting children’s rooms in New York is at Central Library—the institution at Grand Army Plaza that was built to look like an open book. The kids’ area on the ground floor has weekday visits for local schools. It also has a very cozy & carpeted room for story times.  This place is high tech with a dedicated, kids-only loft with computers,  10 Grand Army Plaza, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn (718-230-2100,

6. Brooklyn Museum

The beaux-arts building adjacent to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden has art that will engage New Yorkers of all ages. The past several seasons have seen such kid-friendly exhibitions as “Murakami,” “Keith Haring: 1978-1982,” “Jean-Michel Othoniel: My Way” and now “Gravity and Grace: Monumental Works by El Anatsui” grace its walls. T200 Eastern Pkwy at Washington Ave, Prospect Heights, Brooklyn (718-638-5000,

4. Brooklyn Children’s Museum

Upon its founding in 1899, the BCM was the first museum specifically made for children. Today it’s one of the best, with a permanent collection that includes musical instruments, masks, dolls and fossils, and a green building design. Kids have fun learning  at interactive exhibits like “World Brooklyn,” 145 Brooklyn Ave at St. Marks Ave (718-735-4400,

3. Brooklyn Bridge

No  bridges can compare with the  double arches of the Brooklyn Bridge. On a sunny day, the walkway is the perfect span for a stroll, roughly 1 mile of views of the Statue of Liberty, the Manhattan skyline and Ellis Island. If you start on the Manhattan side, you wind up in Dumbo’s Brooklyn Bridge Park; start in Brooklyn and you can finish the day exploring the goodies at J&R Junior.  Enter at Cadman Plaza East near Prospect St, Dumbo, Brooklyn or at Centre 
St just south of Chambers St in Manhattan (

2. Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Wooded trails, rose gardens and a Japanese hill-and-pond garden are far more garden-worthy than any other to date. And if nature alone doesn’t do it. the BBG also puts on some of the most colorful (fests in the city, from the Sakura Matsuri celebration to fall’s Chile Pepper Fiesta and Ghouls & Gourds festival. P900 Washington Ave at Classon Ave (718-623-7200)

1. Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM)

The BAMfamily program launched earlier this year. Many of the programs will take place at BAM Fisher, the first new performance spot added to the campus since 1987. Multiple venues in Fort Greene, Brooklyn (718-636-4100,



from Mark Cohen’s Lifestyle Website

Mark Cohen: Get Your Kickstarter Funded

Michael Kleinmann, CEO of The Underwear Expert, Inc. and the Curated Underwear Club recently published an article in Forbes Magazine titled, Getting Your Kickstarter Funded: The Four Elements of a Successful Project, where he shared with his audience crucial steps to take when it comes to raising money through crowdsourced fundraising. Obtaining a substantial amount of money for a Kickstarter is not as simple as one may think, but following Mr. Kleinmann’s four essentials, which include: strategy, video production, backer levels, and marketing, are a great way to organize your fundraising to ensure you’re getting the maximum amount of funds as possible.

Here’s a recap of Kleinmann’s four elements and advice for helping your creative project come to life and reach its greatest potential:

First, Kleinmann suggests organizing your thoughts on how to raise money for your project strategically and developing a plan of action. To do this, Kleinmann says, “Before you even think about starting a Kickstarter project, carefully explore and research every facet of the field you plan to work on. Focus groups, surveys and polls are great ways to expand upon personal insight,” (Getting Your Kickstarter Funded, Forbes Magazine). Kleinmann also notes that you should not rely on employees, friends, and family for opinions, so make sure your story is genuine and alluring to your target audience. And when you do find vendors and other individuals who are willing to get involved with your Kickstarter, make sure they sign a confidentiality agreement.

Next, Kleinmann introduces the importance of a Kickstarter video, which he says “…can and will make or break your entire campaign,” (Getting Your Kickstarter Funded, Forbes Magazine). He then adds that you should put a lot of time and energy perfecting every scene of your storyboard so that you can spend your money wisely in terms of creating content for your video. This not only gives you the opportunity to focus on what’s important for your Kickstarter, but your video will most likely turn out amazing, especially if you decide to hire somebody who can produce and direct the video.

The third element, according to Kleinmann, is to focus a lot of attention on backer levels, which should have value to entice potential investors. Kleinmann notes that, “Just because you think something is valuable doesn’t mean others will… so create backing levels that appeal to all types of potential backers,” (Getting Your Kickstarter Funded, Forbes Magazine).

Lastly, and perhaps the most vital element in your campaign, is marketing. How are you going to sell your project? According to Kleinmann, “As with most things in life, how you sell something is just as important as the item you’re selling. Don’t wait until after your campaign launches – you must develop a unique marketing plan to get the word out,” (Getting Your Kickstarter Funded, Forbes Magazine). This is the area in which you need to get creative and use all sources of social media, emails, partnerships, friends, and family to help get the word out about your project.

To read more about Kleinmann’s four elements of a successful project when it comes to Kickstarters, read his article in Forbes Magazine here.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website

Mark Cohen: Best Places to Eat in NYC

New York City, as everyone knows, is full of all kinds of possibilities. But if there’s one thing you can bet on, it’s that the big apple has some of the most phenomenal restaurants in the world. So, if you find yourself in NYC with an appetite for some fine dining, here’s a list of a few of the best restaurants that will be worth your time, money, and will sure to fill your tastebuds with only the utmost of flavors.

First on this list, which probably won’t come as a surprise to you, is Le Bernardin, located in midtown and famous for it’s exquisite French seafood. Le Bernardin has been ranked number one on a variety of food and service honors in New York, including achieving the highest score for all New York restaurants in the Zagat Survey. Run by owner Maguy Le Coze and chef Eric Ripert, the menu is nothing short of amazing and has an impeccable wine list, which has glasses to go with each and any dish you decide on. Most customers don’t look at Le Bernardin as a place to get a really nice meal, but rather a place that has perfected the art of dining itself.

The next fine dining establishment on this list of top New York City restaurants is Jean-Georges, a French restaurant located on the west 60s. Jean-Georges is everything it’s built up to be, a fancy dining experience with an ethereal New French menu that’s full of unforgettable flavors. The staff is friendly and intelligent when it comes to the menu and can pinpoint the exact wines that should be paired with your meal. With a menu full of caviar, lobster tartine, caramelized foie gras, and muscovy duck breast (just to name a few), you will leave this restaurant with a feeling that you’ll never eat better in your life.

The third restaurant on this list is Peter Luger Steakhouse, located in the trendy Williamsburg area of Brooklyn. Founded in 1887, Peter Luger’s has been the king of steaks for as long as New Yorkers can remember, and luckily it’s just over the bridge so the commute for Manhattaners isn’t too far. You will never taste a better steak than Peter Luger’s, as they melt in your mouth with a crisp outer crust, Peter has perfected porterhouse and traditional cuts alike. Not to mention the atmosphere of the steakhouse makes you feel like you’re in a vintage beer-hall quarter that only existed back in the day. And, make sure you bring cash, because cards aren’t accepted, but after a steak that good you won’t mind.

Whether you’re a New Yorker or just in the city for a visit, you won’t regret going to any of these wonderful restaurants, just make sure you make a reservation because these heavenly tastes are desired by many. For more information on where to dine in New York City, check out, and happy eating!

from Mark Cohen’s Lifestyle Website