Olio’s Model One, A Smartwatch Competitor

Olio WatchIn March of this year, while many anticipated the release of the Apple Watch, discussing it’s stark range in price points and upcoming features, Olio introduced an ultra luxe, premium smartwatch called Model One. From surgical-grade stainless steel to precision forged housing, the high-end Swiss watch completely sold out of its limited edition black and steel models. Buyers barely flinched at the $500+ price tag, purchasing all 1,000 in the matter of weeks. July 30th marked the release of a second batch of the swank jewelry.

Olio has added two more designs to the roster in 24 karat gold and 18 karat rose gold. Undoubtedly taking inspiration from the success of the gold Apple watch, Olio’s founder and CEO, Steve Jacobs, promises that the watches are pure. Leather Model One straps are available in black and alligator brown at $1,195 each. All-gold link styles are $1,395.

Imitating high-end specialty shops, only 500 of the black and steel options will be available. Even more exclusive, only 100 each of the two gold options are for sale. Jacobs sees an advantage to making high quality batches in small increments. Careful consideration is made from the ballasts to the strap, each detail intentional. Some criticize the watch for it’s rather large and hefty style, however, Jacobs suggests that large watches are currently in. The company, although unique, does adhere to customer demands and industry trends. In the future, the Jacobs hopes to incorporate smaller designs for those interested in a lighter wear watch.

First batch of Olio Model One watches

First batch of Olio Model One watches

Perhaps the most unique feature on the watch is its software. Instead of opting for Android Wear, Olio is compatible with both Android and iOS. Its simple UI allows wearers to swipe down to reveal settings and swipe up for controls. Instead of incorporating a large number of applications, Olio’s smartwatch communicates through notifications and open APIs. Notifications are revealed by swiping left and a schedule is shown if one swipes right. The simplicity is definitely favorable for those on the go or disinterested in the complexity of complete applications on such a small surface.

To top everything off, Olio comes equip with a cloud-based personal assistant who will learn your behavior and improve over time. Although the Olio smartwatch may seem unorthodox and expensive in the growing world of smartwatch competition, it is truly a device designed for savvy modern-day professionals with an interest in style.

from Mark Cohen http://ift.tt/1gfuWZ7