5 Ways to Save Money in New York City

New York City can be an expensive place to live. It’s easy to lose track of just how much you’re spending on any given day when you add up MTA fees, eating, drinking, and socializing. At times, it seems even breathing is an expense! Fortunately, there are many tricks you can use to save money here and there without locking yourself indoors for all eternity. The point of living here is to enjoy it! I’ve outlined a few of my go-to hacks below:

  1. Online Deal Packages: Websites like Groupon.com and Pulsd.com let you explore the city at a discount. Once you sign up, each site allows you to select your interests (e.g. art, photography, concerts, food, health & fitness) and browse through a number of offers. There are great deals like a wine and food education class for $35, 50% off rock climbing passes, and celebrity meet and greets at the SoHo Apple Store. If you’re into boozy brunch, live music, or nights on the town, Groupon or Pulsd would be a great resource for discounted tickets.
  2. Free Activities: Now that the weather is a bit warmer, free outdoor activities are on the rise. Never underestimate a great day at the park, zoo, or botanical garden. Take a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge or stop by the DUMBO water front for ice cream and a fantastic view of the Manhattan skyline. If you’re feeling lucky, try to score free tickets to a live audience television show taping. The Nightly Show is an easy one to try. Just be sure to line up early!
  3. Markets: Flea Markets and Farmer’s Markets are the place to be. You can easily find fruit and vegetables for a much lower price than the grocery store. Avocados that range from $3 to $4 at the grocery store can be as cheap as a $1 at the market. Flea Markets are great places to find gifts, home decor, and second hand or handmade clothes. Bonus: not only are you saving money,  you’re also supporting local business.
  4. Cooking Meals At Home: Investing in a slow cooker will save you some serious cash. After you’ve bought a copious amount of vegetables from the flea market, throw them in the slow cooker with chicken or beef and prepare your lunch for the week! This will definitely cut down on the number of times you have to buy lunch out. Assuming your diet is a bit better than dollar slice pizza, $10 a day really adds up! Check out some great slow cooker recipes here: All Recipes
  5. Cash Instead of Card: Using cash will work to your benefit in two ways: first, it gives you a visual representation of just how much money you’re spending. If you take $40 out of the bank in the morning and it’s gone by the end of the day, it’ll surely feel worse than spending $40 on your card. Second, since most deli’s and bodegas have card minimums, you can avoid spending more to make the minimum. How many times have you wanted to buy a juice, but the $5 card minimum prompted you to you a bag of chips and pack of gum too? Carrying cash, you’ll only spend that $2 for the juice.

These are just a few tips to help with the expense of living in New York City. Definitely experiment and try new things.

from Mark Cohen’s Finance Website http://ift.tt/1FesfRq

The Apple Watch & Fashion Design

Mark Cohen Apple Watch Blog

Apple Watch – Watch Edition

If you’re one of the lucky few to have snagged an Apple watch by now, congratulations! These ultra stylish pieces of technology are flying off the shelves faster than bottled water on a hot day in the city. Last week, the Apple store in the Selfridges department store in Oxford, England held a special viewing session where potential buyers could try on a variety of faceplate and band combinations. Band colors ranged from bright neon green and blue sportswear, to classic leather, and luxurious silver and gold. The faceplate itself comes in styles similar to the iphone and ipad with the higher end models adorning 18K yellow and rose gold details. Unfortunately, Apple reserved the watches for online retail only, requiring customers to place their orders through the online Apple Store.

While the astonishing expensive 18K Gold model has received a bit of criticism prior to the watch’s release, the additional price points may provide affordable options for those in the market. The sport model can be purchased for approximately $400, the basic model for about $600, and the luxury “edition” line reaching up to a surprising $17,000. While the average Joe more than likely won’t pick up a $17,000 Apple watch, you have to admit, they’re extremely sleek and look good on the arm.

With wearable technology becoming a trend, fashion designers will be sure to incorporate items like the Apple Watch into upcoming season shows. Now might be a perfect time to update that Swatch watch for something a bit more cutting edge. Definitely looking forward to how this will play out.

from Mark Cohen http://ift.tt/1G0A7V8